Martin Willkie

Consultant Kidney Specialist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and am honorary professor of nephrology University of Sheffield.  I have looked after people on home dialysis clinic for more than 25 years.  My research interest relates to enabling people to take a greater role in their own dialysis care either at home or at dialysis centres. 

I am a strategic lead for the Yorkshire and Humber National Institute of Health Research (NIRH) Clinical Research Network with an interest in multimorbidity and since March of this year have been chairing a project that aims to increase opportunities for participation in COVID research studies among people from Black and Asian Minority Ethnic Communities.

I was the Editor in Chief for Peritoneal Dialysis International until the end of 2020 and was cochair of the 2020 ISPD / EuroPD joint congress.  I was chief investigator for the UK Catheter Study that was supported by both the UK NIHR and PDOPPS; as well as for the Shared Haemodialysis Care Scaling Up program that was supported by the Health Foundation.